Fad Diets

There are many diets. Some are wonderful, but others only keep weight off for short times and have high health risks.

Fad diets do not contain enough nutrients that you need to survive. They may cut out nutrients or sometimes even complete food groups, but they always promise weight loss miracles. Many fad diet recommendations are based on single studies, or sometimes none at all. Fad diets usually guarantee that you will lose weight at a fast or unrealistic pace. They also usually sound far too good to be true.fad-diet-ads---pachiropractors-pachiropractors-url15dcc.jpg


Most fad diets have factors that fuel their popularity. These are usually celebrity endorsements and promises of quick weight loss. These may not always be present, but almost always there will be either peer pressure or the “elimination” mentality. The “elimination” mentality is the idea that cutting out certain foods will result in quick weight loss.

Many fad diets only work for short periods of time. These usually cause you to drop pounds due to the possible unhealthy calorie reductions or only water weight loss.

People who are on medication or have health concerns need to be especially careful with fad diets and should talk to a doctor before trying a new diet. There are also psychological consequences to fad diets. losing weight quickly without meeting nutritional needs can lead to regaining weight quickly if you eat the same ways as before you dieted and ultimately, weight cycling.

These diets usually set the individual up for failure. If the diet fails, the dieter may blame themselves and become hopeless that they will be unable to lose weight.

If you are concerned that a weight loss plan may be a fad diet, research- look for scientific evidence behind the diet’s claim. An even better solution is to consult a nutritionist or dietitian to create a realistic diet that will be effective for you.


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